She already as part of one of my best friend . . .
When I'm with her . . . She help me with a lot of thing and I changed a bit to became a brave girl just like her ,
Sometimes she always there when I was alone and we communicate together happily,
Then I get to knew that she in love with the guy that I fall for before . . .that's when I saw from the way she looks at that guy just like me ,
Now we on awkward situation when both of us started talking about that guy , she asked me about him since I had texted with him before , so I tell her something but not all,
and when I try to talks about him . . .
I saw something difference with her look . . .
so started from then, I tried to avoid to talking about him ,
But at the same time , I scared if I will hurt her . . .
Just because a guy that I fall before and now . .
I just can't forget about him after more than 2/3 years I keep admiring him. . .
I don't know why . . .
I'm sorry . . . please don't treat me on the other way